Summer school gives teachers the unique opportunity to focus on “teacher self-care.” Trying out things in summer school we didn’t get a chance to teach during the regular school year is one way to invest in “teacher self-care.” When we better understand what works in our classroom, we can plan accordingly and make our year ahead the best it can be.
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In this webinar there will be a short overview of the new Sonar Tracker and we'll be talking to Frazer Westmorland, Headteacher at Mundella Primary School about tracking pupil progress, identifying opportunities where extra support could have the most impact, empowering heads and senior leaders with data confidence and getting a true holistic view of every child behind the numbers.
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Just as we were beginning to feel like the 2021–22 school year would be closer to “normal” than the one that preceded it, we are faced yet again with uncertainty and ambiguity—and their faithful companion, anxiety.
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In this edWebinar, presenters Susan Winebrenner, M.S., and Lisa M. Kiss, M.Ed., describe how to identify twice-exceptional (2e) students—students who are gifted and have another learning difference—and meet their academic and social-emotional needs in any classroom. These principles will also benefit other learners, since the methods described apply to all gifted/advanced students as well as those with learning difficulties, whether or not they are twice-exceptional.
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