Education technology continues to assume a prominent role in teaching and learning, and this should continue to amplify due to the ramifications of the pandemic, the injection of stimulus funding, and the increased demand for demonstrating impact. With those motivations comes a renewed focus on evidence-based interventions.
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Industrial-age instructional strategies leave many Information-age students in the dust. Gamified instruction is one method among many that teachers might embrace to leverage the mindset of Millennials and the unique power of games to sustain interest, build commitment, enhance collaboration, and give students power over their own learning. In this webinar, presented by Jonathan Cassie, author of the ASCD book, Level Up Your Classroom: The Quest to Gamify Your Lessons and Engage Your Students.
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Educators are being pulled in two different directions: We want every student to achieve high standards; at the same time, we also want all students to be prepared for their own individual paths. How can we possibly do both? Digital badges offer an exciting strategy for bringing these initiatives together so that your school can work toward mastery-based teaching and personalize each student's learning. Badges offer an opportunity for students to demonstrate the skills and knowledge that fulfill state requirements and also to pursue their personal pathways and interests.
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How do teachers measure the impact of their collaborations? In this edWebinar, Michelle Luhtala, Library Department Chair at New Canaan High School, CT, shares tools that promote collaboration among educators. Explore how to demonstrate that collaboration is happening, that it is effective, and that it favorably impacts student learning. Rubrics and replicable instructional materials will be shared.
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