In 2005, Dr. Tara J. Yasso coined the term “community cultural wealth.” Community cultural wealth is the shared knowledge, skills, experiences, behaviors, and values of people in a community that guide and influence their ways of being and knowing. Dr. Yosso says there are 6 types of cultural wealth: aspirational, linguistic, familial, social, navigational, and resistance.
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Struggling schools, along with the districts and SEAs that support them, are challenged to make dramatic and sustainable improvements for all students. Included in the many challenges associated with making rapid and significant school improvement, is the need for these improvements to impact all students.This archived webinar presents some of the latest research-informed resources and approaches for schools and districts dedicated to improving outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities. This webinar focuses specifically on maximizing the impact of school improvement efforts to ensure the needs of students with disabilities are appropriately addressed.
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Accessible content and usable content are often viewed as separate, mutually exclusive outcomes that employ different design approaches, requirements, and principles. As such, organizations, corporations, and agencies that are required to comply with accessibility requirements may not be aware of the ways in which following Section 508 and WCAG actually enhances the user experience for all. Alternatively, content developers may not consider the business and technical benefits of employing accessible design to increase usability for all.
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How can teachers integrate and accelerate literacy and subject-area learning in science, history, and English language arts?In today’s schools, every subject involves discipline-specific text, so all students need support to develop the critical literacy skills required to use and understand those texts.How can educators help diverse students participate successfully in the complex literacy practices required of the California State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards?To help secondary educators examine these types of questions, the Strategic Literacy Initiative is showcasing educators using their evidence-based Reading Apprenticeship framework, which is based on more than twenty years of experience researching and learning how teachers incorporate disciplinary literacy strategies in their classrooms.
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