Leveling UP Help Desk Services in K-12

Leveling UP Help Desk Services in K-12
If you are running IT in a K-12 district then you know how challenging help desk services for your K-12 constituents can be—between resource constraints, increased demand for technology, and higher expectations for service—the struggle is real.
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Students at the Center: Personalized Learning with Habits of Mind


Currently, personalized learning is seen as a large umbrella under which many practices fit, each designed to accelerate student learning by tailoring instruction to individuals' needs and skills as they fulfill curricular requirements. We must create the conditions for all educators and students to become immersed in learning experiences in which they have some control over the pursuit: access to information and ideas; regular opportunities for feedback and guidance; and parameters (e.g., sufficient time, clear criteria) that honor the messiness of the work.
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Building Better Blended Learning in K-12 Schools

Lexia Learning

Blended learning is an approach that leverages both digital tools and face-to-face instruction to offer a more personalized learning experience for each student. Students are typically given greater control over the time, place, and/or pace of learning and often participate in new instructional approaches, such as flipped classrooms. The approach is usually built on the premise that students will be attending classes in school buildings. Join us for a discussion with a panel of educators who are integrating blended learning approaches into teaching and learning and evaluating the effectiveness of those efforts.
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Jump-Starting The eLearning Initiative In Your Organization!

Every company that thinks about starting eLearning development with a third-party agency has three major fears:
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Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Young Children: Driving Change in Early Education


Wouldn’t it be great if every child could participate in an early education program with evidence-based instruction, and receive appropriate levels of instructional interventions to achieve the best possible early academic and behavioral outcomes?Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)—a framework grounded in delivering evidence-based instruction of various intensity levels—can ensure that young children learn essential early academic and behavioral skills. In this edWebinar, discover how to successfully use a data-based decision-making process to match children’s needs with universal, strategic, or intensive instruction in a tiered model.
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