Delivering eLearning In The Cloud With AWS

A flexible, scalable, and fast learning management system (LMS) enables you to provide online learning and training opportunities to your people anywhere, anytime. In this webinar, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of the technical and practical components that are required for successful corporate eLearning programs. STEP Energy will describe how they implemented 100 online courses to train over 300 professionals on Lambda Solutions’ Totara LMS built on Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, and Amazon S3. In addition, existing LMS owners will also learn how to improve the functionality of your current LMS.
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Help Students Explore Data: Free Tools for Building Data Fluency


Data are everywhere—but how can you prepare your students for a data-rich future? In this edWebinar learn how you can bring data experiences into your classroom. Chad Dorsey, President & CEO, and Bill Finzer, Senior Scientist at the Concord Consortium, lead this hands-on session. Both are education, technology, and pedagogy professionals. You will:Learn how free NSF-supported online tools can help your students explore data and create their own visualizations.
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Shifting Learning Assessment to a Virtual Environment

The rapid shift to a hybrid or virtual educational environment has presented unique challenges to the learning assessment process. Faculty, many of whom have no formal training in these new modalities, are searching for new ways to observe students from afar and assess learning without relying solely on tests.
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Introducing the Teacher Acceleration Program: Rapidly Onboard Teachers and Free up Administrator Time

Use a hands-on, focused approach to rapidly onboard teachers and reduce staffing challenges for administrators with the new Teacher Acceleration Program (TAP).
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Get Deeper Insights into Every Classroom


Behind every K-12 data point is a student, and by leveraging data the right way, districts can design learning plans to help unlock each student’s potential. But with so much data available, how do know what to focus on? How do you turn data into decisions that make a difference? Anne Arundel County Public Schools needed a way to bring all their data together, identify meaningful metrics, and adjust learning plans—so they could uncover exactly how to drive student success. They found a single, online reporting portal that gave them easy access to everything they needed to pinpoint students’ strengths and opportunities for growth.
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