Say hello to Adobe’s award-winning Learning Platform, Adobe Learning Manager. Deliver personalized learning experiences at scale to your customers, partners, and employees. Drive customer retention, boost sales performance, and bridge knowledge gaps from one unified platform.
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Technology access in the classroom has increased significantly over the past few years.
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As the next generation of K-12 educators, student teachers are central to shifting education systems towards environmental sustainability and addressing climate change. How can their environmental learning be deepened while still in preservice Teacher Education programs? Join Dr. Hilary Inwood and new teacher Alysse Kennedy for a webinar to explore how teacher educators can better prepare student teachers to become active eco-teachers in their first years of teaching. Share promising practices from your faculty of education, or the challenges you are facing in this work, and connect with others across North America who are working towards embedding Environmental Education into preservice teacher education.
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In this session Joe Weiss from Cisco Meraki shared how the simple and secure evolution of CCTV is changing the way schools think about video surveillance. We also heared from Rob Carter at Ark, who shared their story on how deploying a smarter security network helped protect students, staff and the school’s reputation.
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