Littera Education
Tutoring programs have become a leading strategy to address COVID-19 learning loss. What evidence-based principles can district and school leaders draw on to design, implement, measure, and improve high-quality tutoring programs? And what are districts who are piloting these programs learning about how to maintain fidelity to those principles, while also adapting to the specific needs of their contexts?
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In this hour-long webinar, we will talk to experienced school and program leaders who are effectively addressing the very real challenges related to teacher stress, burnout, and turnover. And it all starts with you, the leader.
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As many colleges seek to attract older, working adults as students, professional development offerings have become key. Whether enrolling in degree, certificate or neither, whether online or in person, this adult market is becoming crucial. This webcast will explore the opportunities and challenges for higher education. The range of programs colleges are creating and how they differ from those of the past.
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Determining the best method for assessment can often seem like a daunting task. In this webinar, we discuss the selection of appropriate qualitative and quantitative methods, methodologies, designs, and tools that fit with assessment purposes and how best to facilitate data collection using a variety of methods. It also reviews how to assure the legitimacy, trustworthiness, and/or validity of various methods and methodological designs.
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