What does “community” mean to you? How can school administrators foster a strong sense of community for children, families, and teachers? Furthermore, what makes this community-building work worth the effort, when you are already busy with the day-to-day demands of school leadership?
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This interactive six week online course will give educators opportunities to develop a mindfulness-based, self-care and relaxation practice and to learn how to use mindfulness practices to create more compassionate and thriving classroom and school environments.
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A smart campus is a paradigm shift whereby higher education institutions use innovative, next-generation technologies to create a digitally connected campus and deliver exceptional consumer experience. Now is the time to prioritize this transformation or face fierce competition from leaders who better understand the importance of the shift. We'll discuss: What constitutes a smart campus and some of the outcomes it can help achieve.
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With approximately 13 000 students, VIVES is one of the biggest universities of applied sciences in Flanders, Belgium. VIVES has been the leader in Flanders when it comes to distance learning for more than 20 years. The university offers 13 programmes and more than 20 specializations through distance learning. In all, more than 2 000 students follow a distance-learning programme to obtain their bachelor’s degree. Most of the students in distance education combine their studies with work and care for their family.
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