Educators should embrace project-based instruction for well-rounded graduates

William Du Bois, an American sociologist and civil rights activist, was way ahead of his time when he thoughtfully observed that, “a system of education is not one thing, nor does it have a single definite object, nor is it a mere matter of schools. Education is that whole system of human training within and without the school house walls, which molds and develops men.” Had he been alive today, he would be totally taken aback!In all honesty, we are on the right track. We introduced and are practicing (I would like to believe) the Competency Based Education (CBE) that focuses on outcomes as opposed to the traditional teacher centered approach. Surely this must count for something. This aside, we send our students out for practicum for about three months or so—something meant to give them full exposure to work reality and ethics. Practically speaking though, our graduates still need insurmountable levels of fortitude and tolerance of Biblical magnitude to take on the challenges of the workforce. How are they to tread the unchartered territories with no manual or experience? Being on the right track is great, but we aren’t there yet. Believe it or not, most students are unaware of the cultural differences and social issues in their communities. Even worse is that some teachers are often limited in delivering academic content inside the classroom, which might prevent learners from contextualising knowledge in real-life situations. Consequently, helping students understand that there is a relevant relationship between their professional skills and their role as citizens within their communities is important. The best way to do this is through community-based projects that not only instill in students a sense of social responsibility and cultural awareness at an early stage in their professional life, but also give them real time exposure.


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