Talent Development

Improving Teacher Practice

October 1, 2022

Improving Teacher Practice
Let’s dispel a myth about teachers: that they peak as professionals early in their careers, hitting a performance plateau after only a few years on the job.


George Mason University

Mason is a young university that, in just a short time, has made impressive strides in size, stature, and influence. Today, as Virginia’s largest public research university, we are setting the benchmark for a bold, progressive education that serves the needs of our students and communities. To that end, we have 10 schools and colleges devoted to a variety of areas of study.Virginia's Largest Public Research University. With 36,000 students from all 50 states and 130 countries and a residential population of more than 6,000 students George Mason University.

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2022 Workplace Learning & Development Trends

whitePaper | July 28, 2022

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 11 million jobs in the U.S. are unfilled1 —roughly double the number of people who are unemployed. The Great Resignation has sent workers to new jobs, but also into education and the rapidly expanding gig economy, leaving skills and knowledge gaps in almost every American company

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Schools white paper: Opportunity for all

whitePaper | April 29, 2022

The latest schools white paper, ‘Opportunity for all: Strong schools with great teachers for your child’ sets out the government’s vision for education

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Evidence-Based Strategies to Boost Student Engagement and Success

whitePaper | July 3, 2022

Understanding by Design and Project-Based Learning are two evidence-based learning strategies that have proven to be successful. K-12 leaders should consider these strategies as they look for evidence-based practices to help combat learning loss among their students.

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Leadership and Learning

whitePaper | June 17, 2022

Leadership is often seen as the answer to all sorts of problems. “We are in a crisis because of . . . (insert your favourite problem, such as economy, slow markets, reduced budgets, poor products, competition, low morale and so on), and we need leadership. It is the only way out of this mess”.

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Why Social and Emotional Learning Is Essential to Project-Based Learning

whitePaper | February 25, 2021

This paper looks at the connection between project-based learning and social and emotional learning (SEL).

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K-12 Back-to-School Safety Concerns Report

whitePaper | August 12, 2020

The Back-to-School Safety Concerns Report examined the top challenges for school leaders as they prepare for students, teachers and staff to return to the classroom during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as uncovered what efforts and preparations will be implemented to maintain a safe environment.

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George Mason University

Mason is a young university that, in just a short time, has made impressive strides in size, stature, and influence. Today, as Virginia’s largest public research university, we are setting the benchmark for a bold, progressive education that serves the needs of our students and communities. To that end, we have 10 schools and colleges devoted to a variety of areas of study.Virginia's Largest Public Research University. With 36,000 students from all 50 states and 130 countries and a residential population of more than 6,000 students George Mason University.
