How ed-tech can help leapfrog progress in education

November 22, 2019

From within formal classrooms to educational games after school, technology is widely used in teaching and learning around the world. When used appropriately, technology has the power to support teachers and engage students, providing tools to create and evaluate tasks previously considered out of reach. At the Center for Universal Education (CUE) at the Brookings Institution, we are studying innovations that can rapidly improve education progress, including innovations that use education technology.


InSync Training

Are you looking for help with your live online training initiatives? Do you need to re-skill your training team? Do you want the quality of your virtual classes to meet the same standards you set for your traditional classroom offerings?InSync Training offers a variety of consulting, development and delivery services to support virtual and blended learning initiatives. We combine specialized instructional design, facilitation techniques, and content development to deliver the most effective training for the live online environment.

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Informal Learning

whitePaper | October 20, 2022

Informal learning is the powerhouse of learning in the workplace. Studies show that people learn much more about what they need to know to do their jobs informally

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A Framework for Optimizing the Virtual Live Learning Experience

whitePaper | September 9, 2021

As colleges and universities pivoted from live to virtual learning during the pandemic, many quickly defaulted to video conferencing tools.

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Education for the future

whitePaper | November 11, 2022

The roundtable meeting and white paper have been produced under Chatham House Rule, meaning that information, views

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Guide to Writing a Request for Proposals for Elearning Services

whitePaper | October 1, 2022

The document is aimed at training buyers and anyone responsible for procuring external services for the delivery of elearning solutions.

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Integrating SEL into Remote Learning

whitePaper | August 10, 2020

During periods of time when they can’t physically go to school, students might find it more difficult to (1) take care of themselves, (2) connect with each other, and (3) find sources of meaning and vitality—so these need to be the focus of online social-emotional learning. Students might find it more difficult to take care of themselves when they’ve lost their daily routines. They might get less exercise when they’re not walking or biking to school, or running around during PE. They might not be sleeping well due to altered schedules and added responsibilities at home.

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Task Force on Higher Education Financing and Student Outcomes

whitePaper | February 14, 2020

Establish a $5 billion annual matching grant to help states address unmet need and improve student outcomes. This “federal-state partnership” would reward states based on measures of affordability, tax effort, and productivity. States would be required to use these grant funds to reduce unmet need or improve outcomes among low- and middle-income students. 2. Increase mandatory Pell funding by $9 billion per year, with expanded eligibility for middle-income households and capped at the fourth income quartile. This would reduce unmet need for low- and middle-income students, making higher education more affordable and accessible.

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InSync Training

Are you looking for help with your live online training initiatives? Do you need to re-skill your training team? Do you want the quality of your virtual classes to meet the same standards you set for your traditional classroom offerings?InSync Training offers a variety of consulting, development and delivery services to support virtual and blended learning initiatives. We combine specialized instructional design, facilitation techniques, and content development to deliver the most effective training for the live online environment.
