Wouldn’t it be great if every child could participate in an early education program with evidence-based instruction, and receive appropriate levels of instructional interventions to achieve the best possible early academic and behavioral outcomes?Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)—a framework grounded in delivering evidence-based instruction of various intensity levels—can ensure that young children learn essential early academic and behavioral skills. In this edWebinar, discover how to successfully use a data-based decision-making process to match children’s needs with universal, strategic, or intensive instruction in a tiered model.
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Giving educators opportunities and time to learn from one another and leveraging that time together are essential for teacher teams working together to support literacy learning. Although these opportunities can be varied, true professional learning is characterized by the following key traits: Multiple modes for encouraging and supporting professional learning. Collegial exchange of knowledge from experience and inquiry. Continuous, job-embedded learning that formatively influences teaching and learning. These were outlined in a cross-organizational document "Maximizing Professional Learning to Support Student Learning," which spelled out the best thinking to promote the critical components of effective professional learning.
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School education gateway
A classroom with personalised learning does not have “one size fits all” approach to education, but instead focuses on customising the learning of students based on their strengths, needs, skills and interests. How can teachers embrace the personalized learning approach in their classrooms to make them more inclusive? What kind of potential does technology offer for both teachers and students in personalised learning? Watch this webinar to discover personalized learning, and the possibilities that technology can offer for both teachers and students in their classrooms.
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Every school leader works to build trust with their school community. But with each passing crisis, that trust wanes. Join us as we reveal findings from the first-ever national study on school customer service and discover “the invisible thread” that powers the relationship between your community and your schools.
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