Join us for this webinar from our Education Week Leaders To Learn From virtual event series.
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In this webinar, join our guests who will discuss statewide public portals that enable their educators to better leverage data-driven decision-making in K-12 schools. Leaders from Wisconsin's Department of Public Instruction (DPI) will explain how their initiative guides the use of data to inform instruction and support school improvement. Their collaboration has enabled their state to take great strides to empower educators and improve student achievement, and it can help your state too.
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When you’re the one in the trenches, it’s easy to feel like teaching is an undervalued profession. But educators on the front lines are in a better position than anyone else to have a true, lasting impact on the next generation. So how do you remind teachers that their efforts really matter? How can you motivate your teachers so they can motivate your students? In her upcoming webinar, the three-time best-selling author will walk you through collective teacher efficacy — the overwhelming power that school teams have to impact change when they collaborate to solve problems.
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Do online databases raise student achievement? Administrators think so. But it can still be challenging to effectively integrate them into instruction.2 Gale, a Cengage company, is on a mission to change that.
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