Student Choice: The Future of Education

How can we build a curriculum that teaches creativity and critical thinking alongside academic standards? How can we track and measure communication and collaboration skills? Superintendents Michael Nagler and Terrence Clark are solving these tough questions by bringing student choice to the forefront of public education. During this session, Dr. Nagler and Mr. Clark explain how choice can prepare students to thrive in a rapidly changing world and explore the following topics: Increasing students’ motivation and quality of work. Using classroom technology to reimagine research projects. Celebrating students’ unique ways of thinking and creating.
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Meet the New Al’s Pals: An Enhanced Curriculum and a Digital Experience.

Al’s Pals, our nationally recognized, evidence-based, and comprehensive social–emotional learning curriculum designed to meet the specific needs of preschool children, now includes both print and digital resources. The new Al’s Pals digital experience within the Teaching Strategies platform supports an enhanced Al’s Pals curriculum, including updated lessons, additional resources, and more.
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Surviving and Thriving in a Teacher Education Program


In this edWebinar hear from Taylor Warren, who is a candidate in the M.Ed. in Instructional Technology program at Freed-Hardeman University in Tennessee, on helpful tips and tricks for not just surviving, but thriving in your teacher education courses. Taylor discusses the following topics: planning, priorities, organization, communication, engagement, seeking help when needed, asking questions, participating, and relieving stress.This recorded session will benefit those seeking their degree in a teacher education program by giving them information to help them study and succeed in online or traditional courses.
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Educating for Authentic Performance: The Essence of Future-Readiness

Today’s educators are tasked with improving college, career, and life readiness in schools. Authentic performance tasks are well-suited to helping students build the “real-world” skills and transfer abilities that are needed for success in college and the workplace.
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Advancing To A New Learning Landscape

Say hello to Adobe’s award-winning Learning Platform, Adobe Learning Manager. Deliver personalized learning experiences at scale to your customers, partners, and employees. Drive customer retention, boost sales performance, and bridge knowledge gaps from one unified platform.
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