Strategies to Support Your Teachers’ & Students’ Well-Being

Strategies to Support Your Teachers’ & Students’ Well-
With teachers simply trying to provide instruction, but also having to grapple with the social-emotional challenges that have surfaced as a result of the pandemic, how can we best support our teachers and students to provide a productive learning environment?
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The Legal Pitfalls to Cyber Education


Cyber education is an emerging field with enormous potentials and challenges for higher education. Cyber education can be considered as a new and highly flexible component in a rapidly changing multi-model education system. Success or failure of cyber education depends on the best practices and their proper implementation, with the potential to make cyber education as effective as, or more effective than, onsite education.This program will include a review of possible legal issues that can arise from this new and ever increasingly used form of education.
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Student Data Privacy: FERPA Compliance


With large-scale institutional data breaches and allegations of individual privacy violations making headlines on a near-daily basis, student data privacy is one of the most important issues facing schools today. Ever-increasing electronic storage and dissemination of student information and the increasing use of third-party technology providers that handle sensitive and legally-protected student records make it imperative that all administrators, faculty, and staff members have a working knowledge of student data privacy rights and schools’ obligations to protect them.
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Implementing a Whole School Approach to Mental Health

1 in 6 school-aged children has a mental health problem, and there are escalating concerns nationwide around issues such as anxiety, self-harm and panic attacks. In this video, Lauren Pinney, Head of PSHE and Student Wellbeing at Hove Park School discusses how a whole school approach to mental health has benefitted both staff and student wellbeing.
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5 Challenges of 21st Century Teaching & Learning and How to Overcome Them


Educational technology enables a powerful shift in instructional pedagogy and teaching. But far too often, the focus is on the devices being used rather than the impact the technology can have on the way teachers teach and the way students learn. Hear from Dr. Alec Couros, professor of educational technology & media at the Faculty of Education, University of Regina, share his insights on historical and current trends for the integration of technology into learning environments.
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