Responding to K-12 Cybersecurity Incidents

Hacking is on the rise in K-12. Are you prepared for a cyberattack?Since 2016, there have been more than 443 reported K-12 cybersecurity incidents.5 And the IRS identified a trend in hackers targeting W-2s of K-12 staff, selling them for $10K a pop on the dark web.6 So it’s no surprise that cybersecurity is the #1 priority for K-12 IT leaders.7Hear from two security experts in this on-demand webinar to discover how to respond if your district is attacked.
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Well-Rounded Curriculum: Flexible, Customizable Content for Personalized Learning


Are your teachers searching for an easy-to-use tool that allows them to customize or personalize learning paths, author new courses, monitor student progress, and incorporate lessons from other content areas such as CTE? Learn about the benefits of our well-rounded curriculum from Odysseyware which features best-in-class customization options. The Odysseyware curriculum is grounded in sound pedagogy and research-based design. Two fundamental priorities, backward design and gradual release of responsibility, provide foundation of our learner-responsive instruction design.
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Building a Culture of Evidence in Student Affairs

How can we assess better, more efficiently, and with greater impact? These are big questions to grapple with as we strive to build a culture of evidence in the field of Student Affairs. In this webinar, we review models and processes that provide a pathway for Student Affairs practitioners to become more evidence-based.
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Meet the New Al’s Pals: An Enhanced Curriculum and a Digital Experience.

Al’s Pals, our nationally recognized, evidence-based, and comprehensive social–emotional learning curriculum designed to meet the specific needs of preschool children, now includes both print and digital resources. The new Al’s Pals digital experience within the Teaching Strategies platform supports an enhanced Al’s Pals curriculum, including updated lessons, additional resources, and more.
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The Five Guiding Principles of Effective Microlearning


In a powerful survey by ATD, 90% of learners reported better understanding of fundamental concepts after completing a microlearning component. 84% of learners said they were more likely to put new concepts to immediate use when microlearning was offered, and 59% of learners completed MORE training than required when offered via microlearning components. If you’d like to achieve this level of success with your next training program, ttcInnovations invites you to join a live session on The Five Guiding Principles of Effective Microlearning.
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