Online education is widespread in higher education, but are colleges delivering programs that online students demand most? To find out, register for Online Learning in Continuing Higher Education, a report from Learning House and the Association for Continuing Higher Education. You’ll discover how ACHE member schools design online programs, along with ways to boost enrollments based on the latest student preferences.
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Coming Out Stronger and Successful: From Remote Learning to New Hybrid Models

Schools and systems have been forced to rapidly respond to the closures of physical spaces and the introduction of remote-learning at scale
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The Five Guiding Principles of Effective Microlearning


In a powerful survey by ATD, 90% of learners reported better understanding of fundamental concepts after completing a microlearning component. 84% of learners said they were more likely to put new concepts to immediate use when microlearning was offered, and 59% of learners completed MORE training than required when offered via microlearning components. If you’d like to achieve this level of success with your next training program, ttcInnovations invites you to join a live session on The Five Guiding Principles of Effective Microlearning.
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Response Toolkit: Shifting to a Hybrid Learning System

But for some schools and providers, hybrid instruction has been a strategy in development and operation for many years.
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Critical Features of a Successful RtI Structure


Though evidence-based approaches for intensive intervention are readily available, the numbers of students who struggle with learning, and are identified for Special Education services, continues to rise. Educators understand that Response to Intervention (RtI) is merely a framework and not a solution for giving students the help they need.Our experience working in schools throughout the US has given us insight to the challenges faced by schools in their pursuit of strong Response to Intervention (RtI) practices. Schools partner with us for our expertise in aligning assessments with instruction for students in all tiers of instruction
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