Nurturing Anti-Bias Education: Exploring Justice

Nurturing Anti-Bias Education: Exploring Justice
In this session we will take a closer look at the third goal: Justice. We will define what justice looks like in early childhood spaces and discuss the educator’s role in recognizing children’s innate sense of empathy and fairness. We will also discuss ways to nurture each child’s ability to identify injustice.
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Education Now: Learning and Living in Polarized Times

As the nation has become more polarized politically, how are we talking with young people at home, at school, on college campuses about the values of democracy, about bridging our differences, and about finding common ground? How are we working to help young people make connections with and care for others who think very differently than they do? How can we learn to engage in the kind of “hard” caring that is central to a healthy society? Join us as we develop a new form of dialogue for our homes, schools, and communities one that acknowledges divides while finding productive ways to cross them.
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Supporting Students, Teachers, Parents, and Guardians with Social Emotional Learning


Beyond academic proficiency, teachers and administrators are expected to guide students in their Social Emotional Learning (SEL) journey. This is not an easy task—but Odysseyware has a solution through BASE Education.BASE is a unique learning tool designed to ease the burden of social emotional learning. BASE follows two models of “Prevention and Intervention,” empowering students in a multitude of areas including Anger Management, Digital Citizenship, Healthy Friendships, and more.
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Moving From Knowing to Doing Through Intentional Planning

As lifelong learners, early childhood educators are often thinking about how to gain new knowledge, no matter how long they have been in the field. As we accumulate this knowledge, it can sometimes be difficult to move from theory to practice. Implementation science can help us build an evidence-based framework for creating an intentional plan to bridge the research-to-practice gap.
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Introducing The Essentials Kit: Teaching Strategies Preschool Classroom Materials

As you guide daily instruction and support investigative learning in The Creative Curriculum for Preschool, do you have all the materials you need?
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