Measuring Training Effectiveness In A Digital World

Measuring Training Effectiveness In A Digital World
How do you know if the time you've asked thousands or tens of thousands of employees to spend on mandatory training, like the compliance program, taught them anything? How do you understand efficacy or find out what gaps and hidden risks remain? Is your online training leading to real-world application so that employees can go beyond theory?
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Harnessing the Power of Collective Efficacy for K-12 Success


When you’re the one in the trenches, it’s easy to feel like teaching is an undervalued profession. But educators on the front lines are in a better position than anyone else to have a true, lasting impact on the next generation. So how do you remind teachers that their efforts really matter? How can you motivate your teachers so they can motivate your students? In her upcoming webinar, the three-time best-selling author will walk you through collective teacher efficacy — the overwhelming power that school teams have to impact change when they collaborate to solve problems.
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Empowering Corporate Culture Change Through Diversity And Inclusion

In this session, Harper Wells, Chief Compliance Officer of Learning Pool, will help you rethink and reshape your DEI training strategy for positive corporate culture change outcomes.
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Reading is Fun: The Juniper Book Awards and Reading for Pleasure

During our webinar, we explore the importance of reading, the benefits of a school library
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Analyzing Student Affairs Assessment Results

Analyzing Student Affairs Assessment Results need to consider when analyzing data. In this webinar, we outline how to effectively analyze, interpret, and articulate assessment results. We also review the elements of research literacy to ensure appropriate use of professional literature to support and supplement student affairs assessment.
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