Introducing The Essentials Kit: Teaching Strategies Preschool Classroom Materials

Introducing The Essentials Kit: Teaching Strategies
As you guide daily instruction and support investigative learning in The Creative Curriculum for Preschool, do you have all the materials you need?
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Digital Badging and Micro-Credentialing in Student Affairs

Digital badging and micro-credentialing is a trending topic in higher education and career development conversations. The American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Commission on Student Involvement (CSI) co-sponsored this webinar discussion with Campus Labs, the industry leader for student engagement software, taking you through a deep dive into how this technology relates to student involvement, leadership and competency development.
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Informed Intentionality: Fostering a Strong Sense of Community

Join us for this hour-long webinar in which we talk about the essentials of fostering a classroom community so strong that it can do all that and so much more, including how the classroom community can help all families feel welcomed, valued, and included and guide them in ways to support and extend their children’s learning at home.
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Family Engagement: A Route to Reading and School Readiness

Many Head Start programs have school readiness goals that include a focus on early language and literacy development. Research on reading has shown if children have varied opportunities and experiences to hear and use language in the early years (0-3), their brains develop the connections needed to learn how to read.
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Tackling Attendance Challenges: School- and Classroom-Based Approaches


In this webinar, national education consultants Jessica Sprick and Tricia Berg, authors of School Leader's Guide to Tackling Attendance Challenges and Teacher's Guide to Tackling Attendance Challenges, as they share a wealth of practical strategies for school leaders and teachers.Participants will learn how to effectively monitor attendance data and create tiered systems of support to address absenteeism. Further, participants will see examples of how educators can shift from reactive and punitive models towards proactive and positive approaches to improve all students' attendance.
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