Informed Intentionality Share-a-Thon: Starting Strong and Growing Stronger

Informed Intentionality Share-a-Thon: Starting Strong
Join us for the final installment in our four-part back-to-school series, in which we will recap some of the ideas covered in our first three webinars and show you how they fit together to help you start strong and keep getting stronger as the year goes on.
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Exploring Transitional Kindergarten Curriculum for California

During this past school year, educators from across California have taken part in a feasibility study to evaluate TK curriculum. Join us to hear about their experiences and learn what adjustments they have made to ensure developmentally appropriate, project-based learning in TK.
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How to Build Writing Proficiency and Foster Differentiation in the 21st Century Classroom

Research from the National Assessment of Educational Progress reveals that only about a quarter of high school seniors are proficient in writing—meaning that an unacceptable number of high school graduates leave school with poor writing skills.
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Why education must take IT security more seriously


Institutions have increasingly been targeted by criminals during the pandemic, resulting in time-consuming and financially damaging recovery actions. With sustained demand for hybrid learning, threats will continue to increase, and new cloud technologies offer robust security for the demands of modern education. So, why aren’t colleges and universities protecting themselves?
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How To Plan And Build eLearning Courses Using Storyboard Templates

Storyboarding in eLearning plays a vital role in delivering projects efficiently and on time. It offers a visual way to share ideas, collaborate with SMEs, and lay out your content at a screen-by-screen level. In short, storyboards serve as a framework for every aspect of course design and development for every member of your team.
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