Creative Expression as a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Tool

Learn the benefits of creative expression as a tool for building social emotional learning (SEL) skills in K-12 children.There is a lack of SEL interventions that are easily integrated into the multi-tiered system of supports, particularly those that meet the needs of those who are eligible for Tier 2 and 3 emotional supports. And yet, children continue to face trauma and adversity and come to school unable to focus on academics because their emotional needs are largely unmet. Creative expression is a low-cost and low-barrier intervention that helps children name and manage their emotions, develop strategies for coping with adversity, and build resilience.
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Developing Cognitively Independent Readers and Thinkers in Grades 3–6

How can we set up our students for success in the upper-elementary grades? To thrive amid the increased academic and assessment-related demands in grades 3–6, students must develop as cognitively independent learners. But what does this mean in practice, and how do we get there? In this webinar, we explore these questions through a literacy lens with a panel of experienced upper-elementary educators.
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Strategies and Solutions for Mitigating COVID-19 Learning Loss

Tutoring, extended learning time, remediation—what’s the best way to help students who lost ground due to the COVID-19 pandemic catch up?
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Irreplaceable: How Digital Learning Makes Us Even More Valuable in the Classroom


This session takes a hard look at the future of technology in the classroom. While it cannot replace educators, many struggle with the appropriate balance. We'll provide tips and techniques to improve the classroom by using digital solutions to give more time for human engagement and student interaction.
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Slow the Summer Reading Slide With School & Library Partnership

When schools and libraries work together, it opens a whole new world of 24/7 reading opportunities for students, whether they’re at home or in the classroom.
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