Challenging Behaviors of Students with Autism: Proactive Skills and Reactive Strategies

If you are an early childhood educator (or an educator of students with minimal behaviors), you have a unique opportunity to proactively teach your students skills associated with each of the four functions of behavior that may preempt and prevent challenging behaviors. However, for those who work with students who exhibit challenging behaviors, once you hypothesize the function(s) that is maintaining the behavior (through a Functional Behavior Assessment), you can proactively and reactively implement interventions to help decrease the behavior. Examples of these interventions include: functional communication training, differential reinforcement, token economies, coping strategies, and more. It is important to collect data before and after each intervention to determine if it’s effective.
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The Science of Reading and English Learners: A Roundtable Discussion

This roundtable discussion explores how to best support English Learners within a structured literacy framework
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A Rigorous Commitment to Social-Emotional Wellbeing

Research increasingly finds the powerful effect of high-quality early learning on long-term benefits for children. A well-known Boston pre-K study recently found that, in addition to educational attainment, children’s long-term well-being is positively impacted by their preschool experience.
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Teaching Today's Crucial Technology in a Virtual Lab Environment


Are you looking for a great hands-on solution with your curriculum? Hands-on labs have become an integral part of the curriculum in classrooms today. Labs help to reinforce the knowledge and prepare students for the real-world environment they will face when entering the workforce. Students need to have more than just a step-by-step list of instructions read from a book. They need a quality experience that an online "Virtual Labs" can deliver. Is there an easy way to set this up for your classrooms? Can I afford this? Do I have time to maintain Virtual Labs?
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Leading Transformation: Personalize How Your School Learns


What makes a learning experience personal for students? And what is the outcome when schools create these experiences? This edWebinar focuses on how administrators, principals, and education leaders can personalize the learning happening in their school or district.Join edtech curriculum consultant, Dr. Monica Burns, for this special event. Dr. Burns discusses how to make learning relevant, interesting, and exciting for students.
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