Learn how SETDA’s 2018 Student Voices Award Winner, St. Albans City School in Vermont, embraces technology tools to personalize instruction. Fourth to sixth grade students will discuss their STEAM classes and their use of the makerspace to explore their personal passions and artistic abilities. In addition, students share how the school’s collaborative stewardship projects support the community.Teachers, please watch this recorded edWebinar with your students to experience an inspirational presentation by a group of energetic and creative students who will engage all participants. Student viewers must view the program with their teacher. Administrators, curriculum directors, and all educators will benefit from watching this recorded edWebinar.
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The enthusiasm and vibrancy that new teachers can bring to a school are valuable strengths that are, unfortunately, too often squandered due to competing and overwhelming demands on their time, energy, and personal well-being.
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In 2005, Dr. Tara J. Yasso coined the term “community cultural wealth.” Community cultural wealth is the shared knowledge, skills, experiences, behaviors, and values of people in a community that guide and influence their ways of being and knowing. Dr. Yosso says there are 6 types of cultural wealth: aspirational, linguistic, familial, social, navigational, and resistance.
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As an EdTech partner to thousands of educators, we have the resources to help guide your school’s student-device program in the right direction. to learn how schools like yours create, grow, and improve the instruction and integration of technology in classrooms. Learning new, helpful, and applicable edtech practices is necessary in today’s K12 education space. That’s why we’ve teamed up with teachers and tech administrators in our webinar series.
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