Best Practices for Turning Students into Effective Leaders

Best Practices for Turning Students into Effective Leaders
Your job as an educator is to prepare your students for their future careers. Not only must they learn the material of what they are studying, but students also need to be prepared to become effective and thoughtful leaders, not just in business but in life. Teaching the material is easy, you’re an expert after all, but teaching those skills that will help your students truly succeed is not as easy. In this recorded webinar, hear from Barry Posner, a world-renowned speaker and educator in leadership and co-author on..
The Leadership Challenge and Everyday People, Extraordinary Leadership as he discusses:
  • How you and your students can make a difference regardless of your title, position, or authority
  • Are leaders born or made?
  • The evidence that suggests your students are already leading, just not enough and not intentionally
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Successful Executive Leadership in Today’s World

In this edWebinar, Michael Ross, the CEO and founder of Ross & Associates, discusses the executive leadership skills needed to be successful in today’s publishing world. Michael has a wealth of experience as a CEO, author, and executive coach. In his current work coaching senior executives, he brings together leaders from diverse industries to work on their most difficult problems and sensitive challenges.
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Leading Powerful Early Learning: More Effective, More Efficient, and More Accessible

In this 1-hour presentation for school leaders and program administrators, we demonstrate how the various products and services of Teaching Strategies function as a full solution can elevate practice and partnerships and transform your school or program.
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Personalized Mastery Learning for Early Childhood Education

Every young learner in your schools deserves an equal opportunity to thrive. Personalized mastery learning in math and reading is a proven key to accelerating achievement for all students. Attendees will discover: How My Math Academy and My Reading Academy are designed to accelerate pre-k to 2nd grade learning How to use Mastery learning driven by Learning Science to bring all young students to grade level and beyond How embedded tools help families support a child’s learning How your school can make use of readily available funding source
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Not Just Phonics; Essential Knowledge Building in K-2

This presentation invites educators to consider preconceived notions about what emerging readers are capable of doing, as they grow into reading with confidence and competence.
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