The power of artificial intelligence for higher education

With any change comes the fear of the unknown, but this is especially true when it comes to artificial intelligence. Universities today have so much to gain by leveraging AI across the student lifecycle, but many are hesitant.Taking a step back, this somewhat nebulous concept of AI is already taking root in our everyday lives in so many forms. Today, you can wake up with a reminder and a playlist of your favorite motivational morning music via a voice-activated assistant, then get traffic advice on your way to work from a maps app. A quick tap on a suggestion based on previous purchases, and your favorite variety of coffee is waiting at your favorite store, already paid for in-app.While these examples come from consumer applications, higher education can – and should – benefit from artificial intelligence, too. But many universities are grappling with how to get started with AI and how to use it ethically and effectively. And not only that — institutions are also responsible for teaching this new technology to students and preparing them for a future where they’ll be working alongside artificial intelligence for the rest of their lives.



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