How to implement climate change education in schools

There has been plenty of debate surrounding climate change education in schools, stemming from the recent student-led strikes. Youth activist Greta Thunberg started a movement when she began advocating for climate change awareness, encouraging students to take it upon themselves to incite change because the youth are not given adequate climate change education in schools. Schools in several countries have started educating students on climate change, but as it’s a relatively new addition to the curriculum, not all are doing so effectively. One country in Asia that’s leading the way in climate change education is Cambodia. According to WeForum, “Students in Cambodia experience climate change firsthand. For the second time in four years, school hours had to be reduced across the country, due to record heat waves in the dry season. Now those students are becoming part of the effort to find solutions, a vanguard for the existential threat of our time.” Supported by the European Union, Sweden and the United Nations Development Programme, the country has integrated climate change into a new and expanded earth science curriculum for higher secondary schools, to be introduced by 2020.



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