How $5B Could Provide A Great Education For Every Kid On Earth

“Exponential technology is changing faster than we are,” said a philanthropic advisor, “how could philanthropy accelerate progress in career readiness?”With such high challenge, so many restrictions (both policies and traditions), and new demands to be lean and agile, it’s a stretch for public education to respond adequately. The automation economy is likely to produce waves of job dislocation requiring access to upskilling and efficient retraining.The advisor speculated that with so much new wealth on the sideline there must be ways that philanthropy could accelerate progress. “What if we had $30 billion to put to work, what would you do?”That’s a big budget! With resources of that size, smart teams could take on the most interesting opportunity of our time—quality elementary and secondary education for every young person on earth.And, it’s a great time to take on the challenge! In the next six years, another four billion learners will be connected to the web at 5G speed for a low cost. AI-powered platforms will make formal and informal learning more powerful and accessible.



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