Hopes and fears for the ITT sector in 2019

Well, 2018 went by in a flash, didn’t it? It really doesn’t feel like 12 months since we welcomed Damian Hinds as the new education secretary – and so soon after we responded to the government's consultation on strengthening qualified teacher status (QTS) and career progression.Yet, it's the outcome of this consultation that has set out enormous possibilities for teacher-training; it is the main reason I'm looking to 2019 with such great anticipation. That's not to say the initial teacher training (ITT) sector is expecting a smooth ride in the year ahead, nor do I think there won't be many more challenges, as we all seek to address the issues facing school recruitment.The "Strengthening QTS and improving career progression for teachers" consultation commitments will potentially revolutionise the early career support offered to teachers, and help to make the profession attractive once more. But we must not let the current political instability disrupt the transformative plans for an entitlement to professional development for all early career teachers through the early career framework (ECF).



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