Does Harvard offer scholarships to international students?

Just one word and you’re transported to one of the world’s most prestigious universities.A private Ivy League research university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, this American institution is currently ranked third place in the QS World University Rankings 2019.Yet, with high rankings comes a high set of academic standards along with a high price to pay for tuition, flights, accommodation and maintenance fees – unless, of course, you’re eligible for a scholarship. As Harvard explains, “International students receive exactly the same financial aid as Americans. In fact, approximately 70 percent of our students receive some form of aid, and more than 50 percent receive need–based scholarships and pay an average of $12,000 per year.”So, in the name of convenience, we’ve listed the scholarship options Harvard offers international applicants, undergraduate and postgraduate, below: International undergraduate scholarships for Harvard .International students are eligible for the same amount of aid as US students and the application process is essentially the same.Through ‘needs-based scholarships’, Harvard allows you to apply for financial aid or renew your financial aid each year.As the institution states, “You will be asked to provide information about your family income and assets, outside awards, and unusual or changed financial circumstances. Once we have reviewed your information and determined your demonstrated need, you will be notified of your award for the coming year.”



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