Building and scaling interventions to support every student

As schools serve student populations with increasingly complex academic, behavioral and social-emotional needs, a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) is proving to be beneficial for identifying, prioritizing and supporting students. Educators and district leaders report the MTSS student support framework has empowered them to provide support to students before a problem occurs, ensuring no student falls between the cracks.The ability to measure and understand the impact of interventions is critical for an effective MTSS process. While the data and insight MTSS provides holds enormous potential, only 3 in 10 educators report they are currently tracking interventions effectively. Like many school districts, educators and district leaders in the Ogden School District in Utah had utilized various sources of data to identify, prioritize and support every student. However, our district leaders still saw gaps in achievement among groups of students, and schools still faced higher-than-average rates of high school dropouts, chronic absenteeism and suicides.



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