Education Technology


April 30, 2022

You’ve likely seen the word Metaverse in the media. The opportunities for this “next iteration of the internet” are exciting, especially for learning. In the Metaverse, we imagine students building skills and exploring in shared
virtual spaces without the boundaries of the physical world.


Auburn University

Auburn University is a comprehensive land, space and sea grant research institution blending arts and applied sciences. The University continuously changes to accommodate today's needs, while still respecting the traditions and spirit of Auburn. As we grow and change, Auburn will always continue its tradition of excellence.The main campus had an enrollment during fall of 2017 of 29,776. Auburn University offers degrees in 15 schools and colleges at the undergraduate, graduate and professional levels.

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A Practice-based Model of STEM Teaching

whitePaper | January 10, 2020

Teachers today are being asked to think “outside of the box” in order to prepare their students for a career and a life that is largely unknown due to the warp speed changing needs and desires of society today. While many teachers today happily accept the challenge and are driven by curiosity and motivation to succeed, it can become a very daunting and overwhelming task. The STEM SOSTM (Students on Stage) model, and this book in particular, helps to bridge that gap between daunting and overwhelming to doable and successful.

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Key Principles for Project-Based Learning

whitePaper | February 24, 2021

Research confirms that rigorous projectbased learning has a positive impact on students, leading to increased achievement and higher levels of motivation.

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whitePaper | October 21, 2022

Believe it or not, today’s best learning experiences aren’t happening in the classroom. They’re happening out there in the world, as individuals take new information on board in a variety of different contexts.

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How ed-tech can help leapfrog progress in education

whitePaper | November 22, 2019

From within formal classrooms to educational games after school, technology is widely used in teaching and learning around the world. When used appropriately, technology has the power to support teachers and engage students, providing tools to create and evaluate tasks previously considered out of reach. At the Center for Universal Education (CUE) at the Brookings Institution, we are studying innovations that can rapidly improve education progress, including innovations that use education technology.

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Addressing Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion in the STEM Classroom

whitePaper | July 31, 2020

Principal Hayes walks into a fifth-grade classroom to observe a lesson. After listening to small-group discussions for a few minutes, she checks her schedule. She thought she was going to observe a science lesson, but the students are sharing stories about family meals. She approaches the teacher, Mr. Amari, who is in the process of projecting a piece of artwork showing a mother and daughter working with dried corn. Mr. Amari explains that the class will be studying sugars and starches.

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Delighting “Today’s Student” with a One Stop Service Model

whitePaper | October 12, 2022

In growing numbers, colleges and universities turn to a one stop service model to enable students to take care of all of their service needs in one place. Several factors are driving the shift for process re-engineering as it relates to servicing the shifting student expectations.

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Auburn University

Auburn University is a comprehensive land, space and sea grant research institution blending arts and applied sciences. The University continuously changes to accommodate today's needs, while still respecting the traditions and spirit of Auburn. As we grow and change, Auburn will always continue its tradition of excellence.The main campus had an enrollment during fall of 2017 of 29,776. Auburn University offers degrees in 15 schools and colleges at the undergraduate, graduate and professional levels.
