7 Steps To Improved eLearning Challenges

December 30, 2015

This Whitepapers provides seven small steps to improved interactions while recognizing that capabilities with authoring software might be quite limited. If you begin applying these steps while you are designing questions, you will quickly open up a world of much more powerful design possibilities.


Whizz Education

At Whizz Education, we believe that every child deserves a learning experience that caters to their individual needs and pace of learning.Over the last 14 years, we have partnered with parents, schools and ministries of education across the globe and have provided over 500,000 students with fully personalised online maths tutoring, as well as specialist training and implementation services that alleviate teachers’ increasingly heavy workloads.

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B2b Ecommerce: Unlock New Growth Potential

whitePaper | April 13, 2023

The B2B buyer journey has always been complex. And today, with the ever-changing demands of the modern industry buyer, it has become even more necessary to rethink the buyer journey, creating a future-ready digital experience

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CTOUCH Whitepaper Trends Higher Education

whitePaper | November 30, 2022

Blended learning, co-creation, studentcentricity, lifelong learning, gamification, virtual classroom. We create order out of the buzzword chaos. These trends will shape the future of higher education

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School Resource Management: Building a stronger system

whitePaper | June 10, 2022

This publication sets out the department’s offer and approach to supporting schools and academy trusts to get the best value from all their resources. Our ambition is to ensure every individual responsible for the management of school resources can make the best possible decisions, based on an understanding of best practice

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Unleashing the Power of Best First Instruction

whitePaper | October 15, 2022

To help students catch up from interrupted learning, close achievement and opportunity gaps, and ensure more equitable outcomes for all students, there’s likely no better place to begin than best first instruction

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Task Force on Higher Education Financing and Student Outcomes

whitePaper | February 14, 2020

Establish a $5 billion annual matching grant to help states address unmet need and improve student outcomes. This “federal-state partnership” would reward states based on measures of affordability, tax effort, and productivity. States would be required to use these grant funds to reduce unmet need or improve outcomes among low- and middle-income students. 2. Increase mandatory Pell funding by $9 billion per year, with expanded eligibility for middle-income households and capped at the fourth income quartile. This would reduce unmet need for low- and middle-income students, making higher education more affordable and accessible.

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2022 Workplace Learning & Development Trends

whitePaper | July 28, 2022

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 11 million jobs in the U.S. are unfilled1 —roughly double the number of people who are unemployed. The Great Resignation has sent workers to new jobs, but also into education and the rapidly expanding gig economy, leaving skills and knowledge gaps in almost every American company

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Whizz Education

At Whizz Education, we believe that every child deserves a learning experience that caters to their individual needs and pace of learning.Over the last 14 years, we have partnered with parents, schools and ministries of education across the globe and have provided over 500,000 students with fully personalised online maths tutoring, as well as specialist training and implementation services that alleviate teachers’ increasingly heavy workloads.
